Sunday, April 24, 2011


Frankly say, Holiday season is boiling in my blood now!! I need a holiday plan!! of course I need money at the same freaking wtf.  So this means that the coming 4 months I still need to work to earn enough money for my new piano and holiday expenses!! Ya before I forget, my parents had gave me the green light to get a digital piano.. woo hoo! i'm seriously excited abut it and willing to work my ass off for it!

However, i'm dying to travel at this moment. Throughout last year, I only had been to a few places, Kuantan, Pulau Lang Tengah, Tasik Kenyir, Cameron and Singapore. Urgh.. and stupid Melacca... lol..Seriously there are so many places on my list which I really want to go, but yet haven been there since ages ago. Some of them, KL, Genting and P.Pinang.. Overseas plan would have to delay to next year sem break for now.

So babes, my dear expandables, are you girls still on?? all of you are the most troublesome friend to jio.. hahaha... paling susah la... semua orang ni orang sibuk.. takda free time... faster set a date!!

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when only I get to go???

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

我说, 你是不是应该。。。。。



第二个,定下来检讨一下你自己,你想融入人群,过着群体的生活,就需要所谓的adapt and apply吧,为什么你生活的rules不能让人感到舒服呢?多多反省吧。。

当你选择了前者,就要敢敢来。你看过punk文化的人,只剃掉一边的头发,把中间的一半梳了站起来,另外一半,斯斯文文的一个书呆头??还是你全身都穿着名牌,却脚上顶着ahpek的人字拖?既然你不想放弃你的方式,又何必在人面前装在意?有很多可以写心情的地方,尤其facebook,但是又很公开,你就不要在那边写有的没的,博取人家的同情与注意,明明就不想改变自己,何必post那些。人家看了,都dong buey diao你,又或者人家会很没给你面子,直接指出你不能令人接受的地方。说真的,如果你真的不懂,又哪会写出那种post。

开窍了,选了第二,就要把住机会。人不会残忍到哪里去,多少还是给你改过的机会。就要快快抓紧,不要当白痴。知道人家都有点不爽你了,是你想要跟人家好,就改一改自己,好去融入他们。(觉得没意思,就去选第一个吧!!你开心就好,不要有的没的,又来装可怜。)说实话,时间久了,人家真的会把你当透明了,不再给你机会,也不理你了。到时你想咸鱼翻生,也没办法,因为已经被人家当做调味,拿去炒nasi goreng ikan masin, 我的最爱!



Sunday, April 10, 2011


K la I prefer to use english actually, caused my chinese is deteriorating like nobody's business. Come on mates speak to me in chinese please!!
Finishing my 2nd sem soon in less then 1 month time, which means that final examination is around the corner in fact.
First year of my university life gone. Lets be silence for 3 minutes to grieve for its departure. *silence*
K lets talk again. Lol ya I'm mad. Yeah I apprecated my 1st year very much, pretty fun and plenty of stuff going on and on. And I gotta wait for another long 4 months break before i can get to this holy hell shit
Speaking of coming sem break, its a freaking long break that I have totally no plan for it. I guessed it would be all about money again. I would love to have a relaxing holiday with my babes, seriously it had been a long long time since that I spend some decent time with them. Somehow I wondering when that dream of mine can be fulfilled when all of they are so freaking busy!
Part time job are nuisance, I need money but I'm lazy! urgh.. And I want to learn piano but working means I will no have time for it. Dilemma!! arhhh.....
Anyway I gotta be ready for final exam 1st. This sem I tried something crazy, which was I took my test without studying at all. All that I can say is I ain't genius!! FML..
Study mood is on and i needa ciaoz now...

