Sunday, October 11, 2009


i'm getting out of hand!!

cant believe it i went shopping again!!em there was this warehouse sales for L'Oreal, Mabelline and Garnier going on in hotel pelangi on saturday and sunday. how can i miss it???

well we were quite early but the crowd there showed us that we are not early enough.i went with angie, yen lee, yu zhen, and chui lian. huhuhuhu.. the things there were dirt cheap!!! everything they sold , from facial products to makeups, hair products, nail polish... all the prices were being slashed at least 50%!!! can you believe it?? how can i let it go without satisfying my desires??

but the only product i bought was the L'Oreal's mascara Volume Shocking Exact Brush at the price of RM25 only!!! haha.. unbelievable right?? normal retail price is RM49.90.

this was the last one on the table and i managed to grab it before anybody else did it. yeah!!then i went on another mission is to search for a dress to wear for an upcoming event. anyhow i didn't bought any dress but something else... so typical of me.. always getting out of focus!! and most ridiculously i actually went to search my clothes in a offer tong. and i found it!!!

i found a long shirt which can be a dress or shirt at the price of RM20

cheap right for this piece??

then this is only for RM9.00

don't know why they sell it for so cheap, not bad huh..

now the last piece, be ready for the price.........




ITS ONLY RM1.50!!!

yes this is the truth! you can drop your jaw!! drop it now!

i know it looks very plain and most probably i will only wear it for church because my mom always complain my skirts are too short for service.
k thats all.. i just cant control myself...

