Friday, December 17, 2010

H.U.G.E. Camp 2010

Everybody let's together say WOW~~
Hi guys I'm back from one of the most awesome event of the year 2010 before it ends!! Its HUGE camp 10'. First of all, if you don't have any idea about HUGE, please visit Youth Alive Malaysia to know more about them. There are few upcoming events such as YES (youth enrichment school) which will be held from 3-14 January at Bible College Malaysia, fees is RM350 (including accomodation, course materials, lunch and dinner), deadline is on 20th December 2010. Btw fyi i'm a YES graduate too!!If you want to know more about Christianity yet don't want to have boring lessons, then you should sign up for YES 2011!! I had spent my 2 fruitful weeks in BCM. Another event is APYAC (asia pacific youth alive conference) which i'm looking forward to!

Anyway, this year, When god gave me this burden to bring the youth to go for this camp, i took some actions, including fund raising and encouraged the youth to go. There are 16 of us make it this camp.

the backdrop of the camp!

some are MIA.. but Jem is there with us!!

one of those who are MIA, i don't understand why they can laugh non stop and watch the video over and over and over again!!

yeah Youth Idle 2010

Ps Danny and Ps Clement up to their tricks again
Lets put our hand together for Clement Lambert. ERhemm who say pastor is boring and serious??
look at this.. Ps Clement as Adam LAmbert bringing the song What Do You Want From Me.

he and his sexayyy moves.. lol.. and his eyeliner.. it really just makes all of us laugh non stop when he came out..

these are brothers and sisters from Africa!! oh my, I can tell u that no doubt they can sing and dance very well 

the king of banana.. he can shakes non stop..

one of the contestant whose hair was bitten by a poodle!!

FYI i took all this pictures from celine's fb, thats why u seeing her in so many pictures.. that her and Christine..

that the youth coming to my room at 11.30pm!!legally k! the Security allows time together till 1am on the last night.
plenty of junks in our room!!

last minutes in the camp.. we were breaking camp.. look at the crowd!

horrible sleepy face!!
I guess I'm one of them who slept the most in this camp.. cause I'm always sleeping.. In the afternoon is my only time in heaven cause the rest of the girls will be away except Christine who always slept with me!! Urgh babysitting them is so horrible!!!!

Btw, who has the bigger belly?? lol

I believe God really work his way through this camp, and many of us were blessed. the theme was Vessel, vessel for God's work. Pastor's messages touched many hearts including mine, and all I can say is our god is an Awesome God!!

oh ya almost had forgottten to mention the worship band for the night conferences. Its Verse of the Day (VoD) from Indonesia!! erhemm.. the band is good!!! the songleader is the one on the most left. handsome wei.. *winks*

so thats all for the updates.. i'm sick now.. urghh.. i hate cough the most!!

