Saturday, October 30, 2010


Alright folks.. i'm looking for a boyfriend.. and i need to find one before 2012 so that my useless-vain-pretty besties will allow me to go to taiwan with them... (what shit is this??!!! ask me to bring boyfriend just because you guys bringing yours!!! urgh!!!! STAB STAB STAB!!!)

since i'm looking for a boyfriend, then of course i need to let you guys know what i'm looking for k??

1. taller then me!! at least must be taller then me after i wear my heels!! i just love heels!!

>>cant you just wear flats for his sake??
>>no i dont!! i love my heels too much..
>>as if you wear alot of heels..SWEATS..

2. able to humour me when i'm bored...

>>huh eliza tan you practically get bored every 15mins! you think which guy who is so free that can humuor you always??
>> lol i will find one.. here i'm looking for one..
>>yeah count yourself lucky if you can get one.. suei for that fella..

3. kind and good temper..

>>i know that is to make up for your wickedness and hot-temper huh??!!
>>no no i'm kind and sweet too k??
>>bullshit! look into the mirror and tell yourself that!
>> well i did every morning~~ XP

4. do not get jealous easily..

>>yea.. right.. so that you still can flirt around..
>>huh since when did i flirt?? i'm just socializing k??
>>how about those sweet talks??
>>erhmmmm i'm just saying some pleasant words??!! lol.. XP

5. independent..

>>i think you are the one that need people to take care k??
>>who say? i still keep my fats well ever since i stayed at hostel!!
>>yeah get fatter now and for sure there is no bf available for you!!

6. man

>>yup i need a manly man~~
>> i know why...
>>?? why??
>>cuz you are too boyish!!

7. same or higher level of education then me

>> what for??
>> spit it out girl.. crap i know why.. so that he can help you to do ur assignments and works right??
>> oooppppssss!! chill k~~

8. speak english and chinese well

>>shameless~~ you cant speak both well.. speak cina like speak english, speak english but broken..
>> aiyoh.. thats why i need somebody that can speak both lor.. when i run out of vocab or forget then ma can use another language!! if he can speak hokkien even better!! jin jia hou!!

9. love to eat..

>> now i know why you are so fat!!!
>> speechless.. (*sensitive to the word FAT)

10. love to look at pretty girls

>> aint you getting jealous after that??
>> nope! one of my hobby is go out and cuci mata by looking at pretty girls.. woohoo!!
>> i knew that!! you aint that straight huh!!

11. able to accept foul language

>> excuses!! i thought i heard that you are quitting that??
>> still cant resist it sometimes~~ wtf~~
>> alright alright what else you want????
>> cant think of anything else now....
>> i bet nobody will respond to this..
>>who cares whether you have a boyfriend anot??
>> you cares right??
>> who say so??
>> i say so..
>> why you say so??
>>cause i think you are jealous when i'm writing this
>>how?? tell me...
>> you just opposed to everything that i said!! you dont want me to get a boyfriend right??
>> lol you are ridiculous!! i'm just helping you so that you wun be so sia suei!!
>> why sia suei?? it the plain truth that



Thursday, October 28, 2010

但是最近我发现我的室友很配合我嘞!! 就跟你们分享一下吧!






XOXOXO。。。 冷!!

Monday, October 18, 2010








Thursday, October 07, 2010


嘿嘿嘿。。现在本来是有课的。。却留在房里上线,写部落格!!哇你以为自己很厉害了是吗?不用听课了是吗??没有啦,诺丁的课真的很闷嘛,自己在那边多不懂在教些什么的。。可是又不好睡。。这是个人问题啦(不会在大庭广众的地方睡着,我有一个coursemate可神啦!每天不管那一课,都一定睡!!不好意思讲她的名字,但是大家zai zai diuok ho!!)。。 chem ind 又是presentation, 昨天如果没有ws的巧克力,我可挨不过那一组的presentation啦!!闷死了。。 (哈哈。。是我的roommate的那一组,不好意思跟她讲嘛。。)


昨天xc跟我讲她要去post office。。好笑到dong buey diao.. 明明sub就没那么大,可是她竟然会看不到post office。。看到cimb,看到书店。看不到post office。。哈哈。。(有点嚣张,因为我对那边很熟嘞!每天去那边吃,不熟才怪!)。。 说道sub,我吃腻了那边的菜啦!!很显嘞。。可是颗粒小姐又不喜欢xc家前面那间,我家前面那间又酱贵!!现在晚餐也很难搞定,最近肚子常跟我闹别扭,晚上不想吃得太重,都是面包饼干加米卢!!也好啦。。省钱嘞!! TMD阿公没给钱!!


阿公hor。。真的很想放火烧他的家啦!竟然漏了我的名字!!我还超期待地去黑马拿表格,TMD 竟然没有我的名!!!吐血死了。。说会寄。。到今天还没寄到我家。。我可不想继续饿肚子嘞!!阿公阿!!别跟我开这种玩笑嘛。。我会心脏病的啦。。我可没跟鼻涕鼻涕安叔叔借钱嘞!!下个sem怎样活嘛。。



Sunday, October 03, 2010

a language that only i can understand

when the weather start to turn cold, so does my heart too.. i have no idea was going through my heart now and i'm rushing through my typing.. i dont have enough courage to face it maybe thats why i had been avoiding it like mad.. days are getting weirder and weirder and i'm feeling more and more worry about myself.. i'm getting out of the place.. fml... i'm a lonely girl on this big world..
i'm a bitch.. as its had sounds.. i'm a bitch... i'm the one that hurts people and the one that doesn't know how to appreciate their goodness..i take thing for granted and i never think of the consequences of my action.. i'm tired.. you know what.. i wish to be alone but i'm afraid to be alone.. haiz dont know what is going wrong now... you shall not worry.. everyday when i wake up in the morning i will jz tell myself that its another bright day and i wil survived it because there is a lot of people that still love me and care about me.. seriously there is nothing in my life that i can complain of. but i guess i want more than that..
